
State: Outside USA
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Donor #: 426204
Height: 5′ 8″












Marital Status:


Eye Color:



5′ 8″

Paternal Ethnic Origin:


Hair type:


Religious Background:


Maternal Ethnic Origin:


Important Donor Information

Donor Fee:


Genetic Testing Results:

Donor has not completed genetic testing.

Previous Donor:


Fertility Testing Done:




Egg Donor Personal Bio

Why have you decided to become an egg donor?
I have several friends that I grew up with that have children and some have experienced fertility issues. I have been witness to the emotional difficulty associated with fertility issues, and I am filled with a strong sense of empathy for those trying to start a family. This has inspired me to become an Egg Donor.

What is your current occupation?
I work for a Trauma Reduction Wilderness Therapy program in Oregon.

What are your professional aspirations?
I am currently applying to Doctorate programs to become a Doctor of Science in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. My long term goal with pursuing this degree is to open my own wellness center that focuses on whole body healing. I hope to create greater access to alternative medicine for low income communities.

Describe a typical day in your life.
I typically wake up at 6:00AM and will either go for a run or practice yoga for an hour. Afterward, I get ready for work, make breakfast, and head to the office. I spend the majority of my day working on logistical matters associated with wilderness therapy. This includes, fulfilling requests made by students, parents, and/or the clinical team. There is a logistics team that works to create consistency and balance regarding day to day matters in the program. Around noon, my coworkers and I will take a break and eat lunch together. There are only about 4 people that consistently work in this department at one time, so we are very close knit and spend lunch eating, laughing, and just having fun. We go back to work after lunch, and around 5:00pm I head home. Once I’m home, I’ll take a shower, prepare dinner, and chat with my roommate. After dinner, I will either go for a nighttime walk by the river or practice yoga. I will usually be in bed by 9:30-10:00. On the weekends, I incorporate longer runs, hikes, cross-country skiing, and really any activity that gets me enjoying the outdoors.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
If I could visit anywhere in the world, I would choose to go to Ireland. I have always wanted to see Ireland, and feel connected to my Irish heritage. It would be fascinating to see where my, not so distant, ancestors lived. I would also like to go to Ireland because backpacking is one of my greatest passion, and it is a dream of mine to backpack through Ireland.

What would you consider your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
My greatest strengths are my perseverance, ability to work well under pressure, independence, my ability to empathize and attune to others, optimism, adventurous spirit, and my thirst for knowledge. My greatest weakness is that I set very high expectations of myself. This is particularly true with academics and physical activities (i.e. running, long-distance hiking).

Do you have any special skills or hobbies? For example, do you excel in athletics, art, cooking, musical abilities, etc.
I am multi-instrumental. I sing, play the guitar, ukulele, piano, clarinet, flute, mandolin, violin, and banjo. As an adolescent and young adult, I excelled in basketball and running. I am an ultra-runner, and will run 30+ miles a day during the the weekend. I am a long-distance hiker as well, having hiked from Georgia to Maine on the Appalachian Trail, which is 2,200 miles, in 5 months. After the Appalachian Trail, I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail, which is 200 miles, in 8 days. I am an avid sport rock-climber and have rock climbed since I was about 10 years old. I now rock climb at a very advanced level.

Describe what you were like as a child.
As a child, I was curious about nature and would go on hikes with my dad. We would collect plants and rocks and identify them. I would garden with my mom and learn about plants that attracted pollinators and plants that repelled insects. I would play games with my brothers. I was an active child who engaged in a lot of pretend play with my childhood best friend, who lived a couple minutes away from me. Overall, I would say I was a giggly little girl who had a strong desire to learn about the world around her. I was heavily involved in Girl Scouts since my mom was the Troop Leader. I played basketball, soccer and did ballet. I loved animals and would often take my Border Collie out into the yard and run around with her.
Who would you consider to be your role model and why?
My role model is Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is my role model because of her perseverance in life. She not only became a mother right before starting law school, but she was one of the only women in her law school class. She strived to become a lawyer during a time when women were not commonly found in that job industry. She persevered and flourished in the face of adversity, being turned down for a clerkship opportunity because she was not a man. She became the first tenured female professor at Columbia University. She led the fight against gender discrimination, and was nominated as Supreme Court Justice, continuing her fight for women’s right. One of her accomplishments included writing the majority opinion, in the case of the U.S. v. Virginia, stating that women who were qualified could not be turned away from the Virginia Military Institute. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an incredible trailblazer who I deeply admire. She was strong, determined, and cared so much for those facing discrimination.

Describe your favorite memory.
My favorite memory is of August 5, 2015. I was in Baxter State Park, in Millinocket, Maine. I woke up at 4:30AM, knowing that it was my final day on the Appalachian Trail. I broke down my tent and packed my backpack. I was going to summit Mount Katahdin, the Northern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail. I ate a quick breakfast, a Snickers bar, and set out on the trail. The first mile consisted of a slight uphill climb, lined by thick evergreen trees and crystal clear pools of water, surrounded by smooth granite. I was in awe of the beauty. After the first mile, the climb got noticeably more difficult, and shortly after that, I found myself above the tree line, scrambling up and over large boulders. This was the climb. I was climbing the spine of Mount Katahdin. I was gifted a 360 degree view of the Maine wilderness. I continued climbing and thought to myself that my friends, who I had hiked with for the last 1,000 miles, were nowhere to be found. I hadn’t seen them in days. Had they finished the trail? As I was pondering this, my friends came up right behind me and we climbed the rest of the way together. After several miles, I approached the large wooden sign at the summit that reads “Katahdin.” I immediately began to cry. Tears of joy and gratitude flowed from me as I kissed this weathered sign and hugged my friends. The summit was cloudy. As I wandered off to take some time to reflect on my last 5 months, the clouds broke and the sun came out. Again, I was gifted the most magical view of the Maine wilderness. For as far as one could see, there were ponds and forests. I felt so incredibly proud of myself for accomplishing something most could only dream of doing. I knew in that moment that my life would forever be different. I hiked down the mountain with my friends, and we celebrated that evening by eating copious amounts of food.

Describe your personality and character
Warm, tenacious, curious, free-spirited, kind, giving, grateful, and energetic. My character is hard-working and lighthearted, honest, accountable, independent, driven, empathetic and passionate

Travel Preference